Traducción & Definición
(8 a.m.) sharp: (las 8) en punto
The show starts at 7 p.m. sharp. La función comienza a las 19 en punto.
Obsérvese que la primera acepción de sharp es "afilado", "agudo", "puntiagudo":
a sharp knife un cuchillo afilado
- "For example, every morning at 10:00 AM sharp, we could all turn on our intercoms and laugh together for 30 seconds."
- "I would be very pleased if you could join me for a light snack and perhaps a beverage this evening at the "Pen and Parchment" bar on Montgomery Street at 7:45 pm sharp."
- "I look forward to meeting you Thursday, at 6.00 PM sharp!"
- "I look forward to meeting you Thursday, at 6:00 PM sharp!"
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