Wunderbla online German lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 88780 users.
5/5 Ramón left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Küchenmusik"
5/5 Galyna left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Motor in Not"
5/5 Zornitsa left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Tim sucht eine Wohnung"
4/5 Joan left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Dreifaches Angebot"
5/5 Ariana left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ski, Schnee & St. Moritz "
5/5 Cyril left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Johanna, die Giraffe "
4/5 Martin left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Karottenkopf"
5/5 Paris left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Der Handleser"
4/5 Alexander left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Die Höhle"
4/5 Christine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein wackeliges Fundament"
5/5 BRIGITTE left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Goethe "
4/5 Antoine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
5/5 Vera left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein Abend in der Oper"
4/5 Krister left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Silvesterabend"
5/5 Vladi left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein Selfie von Tim"
5/5 Robert left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Richtung Norden"
5/5 Marine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Dr. Meyer im Schnee"
5/5 Bernard left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Sigis Morgenroutine"
5/5 Corinne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Mehr Schlaf, weniger Katzen"
5/5 Robert left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Sauerkraut"
5/5 Anna left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Schmutzige Wäsche"
5/5 Susanna left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Furchtbare Ferien"
4/5 Hans left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Leo der Löwe"
4/5 Patrick left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Geld unter der Matratze"
5/5 Géraldine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Im Kaufrausch"
5/5 Clara left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Schafe zählen"
4/5 Laure-Marie left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Wind"
5/5 Nadine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Im Kaufrausch"
5/5 Hervé left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Motor in Not"
5/5 Agnès left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Kinoabend"
5/5 Tamara left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Die Höhle"
4/5 Anne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Das schnellste Auto der Welt"
5/5 Georgia left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
5/5 ERIC left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Nico und Kafka"
5/5 Riya left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Horror im Kino"
4/5 germain left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Otter im Pool"
4/5 Anita left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Horror im Kino"
4/5 Pierre left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Warum mag jeder Würstchen?"
4/5 Cecilia left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Warum mag jeder Fotos?"
4/5 Rémy left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Magdas Auge"
4/5 Sten left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Johanna, die Giraffe "
5/5 Helena left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Endlich Sonntag"
4/5 Barbro left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Stefan saugt Staub"
5/5 Annie left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Dreifaches Angebot"
4/5 Véronique left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Die magische Pille"
5/5 Katherine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Warum mag jeder Geld?"
5/5 Alexandra left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein Held im Hotel"
5/5 Natalia left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Mücken und freie Liebe"
5/5 Raymond left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Wenn ich Zeit hätte..."
5/5 Pascale left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Motor in Not"
4/5 Yvonne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Eine kleine Bitte"
5/5 Pascal left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein Oktoberfest im Norden?"
4/5 Emilie left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Notfall in der Küche"
4/5 Bernd left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Furchtbare Ferien"
4/5 jackie left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Geburtstagsgrüße"
5/5 Jean left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Hotel-Shuttle"
4/5 Claude left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Marie-Antoinette und Wolfgang"
5/5 Sipke left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Geheimes Gehalt"
5/5 Evelyne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Picknick zusammen"
4/5 Wannatsai left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein Geist im Hotel"
4/5 Hélène left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Nostalgie am Schwimmbecken"
4/5 Michel left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Nikolaschka"
5/5 Smail left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Ein neuer Koch"
5/5 Anne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Der Handleser"
4/5 Jacques left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Timfluencer"
5/5 Claudine left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Weihnachten in Dresden"
4/5 Taro left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Vatertag zusammen"
5/5 Corinne left a rating on 2025/01/20 for the episode "Vergesslicher Gast"
5/5 Hervé left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Eine gefährliche Affäre"
4/5 Cecilia left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Die Höhle"
4/5 Margarita left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Geister und Gemüse"
5/5 Christine left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Die zerbrochene Vase"
4/5 Anne left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Darf ich Sie duzen?"
5/5 Lucina left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Hedy und Werner"
4/5 Jean left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Im Schwimmbad"
5/5 Janette left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Roadtrip"
5/5 Mathieu left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Tim sucht eine Wohnung"
5/5 Simone left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Leo der Löwe"
4/5 Gunnar left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Dr. Meyer braucht Geld"
5/5 Tomáš left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Ohne Führerschein"
5/5 Elena left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Ein Clown im Fahrstuhl"
5/5 Sébastien left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Pistolen und Pistazien"
5/5 Galyna left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Wenn ich Zeit hätte..."
5/5 Anders left a rating on 2025/01/19 for the episode "Roadtrip"
5/5 Kathleen left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Im Schwimmbad"
4/5 Martine left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Freundschaft"
5/5 Florence left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Magdas Auge"
4/5 Sylvie left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Über den Wolken"
5/5 Laure-Marie left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Hund und Pianist"
5/5 Géraldine left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Die Diva und der Komponist"
5/5 Martin left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Vatertag zusammen"
4/5 Margarita left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Als der Regen kam"
5/5 Marie-Hélène left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Streit unter Nachbarn"
5/5 Rita left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Pistolen und Pistazien"
5/5 Ann left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Nostalgie am Schwimmbecken"
4/5 Pierre left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Auf See in der Nordsee"
5/5 Raymond left a rating on 2025/01/18 for the episode "Der Psychologe"
5/5 Lucia left a rating on 2025/01/17 for the episode "Marie-Antoinette und Wolfgang"
5/5 Manuel left a rating on 2025/01/17 for the episode "Küchenchefin gesucht"
5/5 Oleh left a rating on 2025/01/17 for the episode "Ein Mann von Welt"