The present participle
The present participle is used for:
- Actions that are currently happening.
Ich sehe das lachende Kind.
I see the laughing child.
Ich habe eine laufende Nase.
I have a running nose.
- Actions happening simultaneously.
Während der Gast wartet, schaut er auf die Uhr. → Der wartende Gast schaut auf die Uhr.
While he is waiting, the guest looks at his watch. → The waiting guest looks at his watch.
Here's how we form the Partizip I (present participle):
- If the participle comes after a verb, we form it using the infinitive + ‑d.
Sigi steht wartend vor mir. (warten + d)
Sigi is standing waiting in front of me.
- When it comes before a noun, the present participle is again formed from the infinitive + ‑d, but we add an additional ending. The endings are the same as for adjectives.
Die schlafende Katze liegt auf der Treppe. Adjektivdeklination 1
The sleeping cat is lying on the stairs.
Ein lesender Mann sitzt auf dem Sofa. Adjektivdeklination 2
A man is sitting reading on the sofa.
Lügenden Menschen sollte man nicht vertrauen. Adjektivdeklination 3
People who lie can't be trusted.
Note: The present participle can also be used as a noun.
studierend → der/die Studierende
studying → the student
überlebend → der/die Überlebende
surviving → the survivor
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