Hin and her
Hin denotes a movement away from the speaker, and is often used with gehen (to go).
Geh aus dem Zimmer! → Geh hinaus!
Go out of the room! → Go out!
Geht ins Haus! → Geht hinein!
Go into the house! → Go inside!
Her denotes a movement towards the speaker, and is often used with kommen (to come).
Komm her(ein)!
Come in!
Kommt heraus!
Come out!
In everyday German, we often abbreviate words formed with prepositions. They then begin with r-.
Wir gehen hinunter. → Wir gehen runter.
We are going down.
Er geht zu den Nachbarn hinüber. → Er geht zu den Nachbarn rüber.
He's going over to the neighbors.
Komm zu uns heraus! → Komm zu uns raus!
Get out of the room! → Get out!
Komm herein → Komm rein!
Come in!
- Hin and her are used after the adverbs da and dort (both meaning “there”).
Du kommst vom Fußballstadion? Ich komme auch daher.
You're coming from the football stadium? I'm coming from there too.
Ich muss zum Flughafen. Wie komme ich dorthin?
I have to go to the airport. How do I get there?
- In the imperative, present and Präteritum (simple past tense), hin and her come at the end of the sentence.
Komm jetzt her!
Come here now!
Sie kommen zu uns her.
They come over to us.
Sie gingen zum Fluss hin.
They walked towards the river.
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