Here is Linda H's success story.
When I was at school, I enjoyed learning French, despite, on my first exchange visit to a family in Normandy, finding that I could hardly understand anything, was desperately homesick and also very ill for several days after being seasick crossing the Channel/La Manche! The family called a doctor because I was so ill, and he decided that a suppository was necessary. Now, as a 15 year old from England I had never encountered such a form of medication before and I looked aghast at the size of the 'tablet' whilst the doctor tried to explain in French that I did not swallow it! When I returned to the UK 2 weeks later I couldn't stop speaking French!! I progressed and studied it till the age of 18. Since then I have visited most of France and have various French friends. I love my holidays there - ensuring I stay well away from other British visitors. Over the last 20 years I have continued my study of the language at a fun level at Adult education classes and am able to enjoy my visits to France so much more when able to talk to the people there! I started Frantastique after seeing an advert in Le Monde - and did the free month trial version. I thought it was going to be too expensive to follow but upon finding that I could sign up for 3 years and pay monthly I took the plunge. I really love it! The grammar is great and really helpful. A little at a time and it gradually sticks, especially with revision built in. The sense of humour is great. I shall never speak the language or understand it as well as I would like but this is a fun way of trying! At the age of 70, I still have much to learn and am really enjoying my daily lesson. One is never too old to learn!
— Linda H. (Coverack, Helston, UNITED KINGDOM)