Saga Baldoria online Italian lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 92414 users.

  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La diva e il tenore"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Che aria tira?"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Yoga estremo"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Asino da strada"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Autista pistolero"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Lo scultore"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Musica da cucina"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Cinghiali d'Abruzzo"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Vacanze sulla neve"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Una prenotazione insolita"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Le regioni d'Italia "
  • 1/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Muto"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Pagliaccio in ascensore "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Il giardino delle delizie"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Un architetto talentuoso"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Un architetto talentuoso"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Cercando casa"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Sparizioni inspiegabili"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Dura come una scarpa"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La Gioconda"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Motore in panne"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Cinema paradiso"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Le regioni d'Italia "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Poco raccomandabile"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Yoga estremo"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Senza patente"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Umorismo da frigorifero"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Il Palio di Siena"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Toni l'influencer"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Turbo l'automobile"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Capodanno"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La mappa di Leonardo da Vinci"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Trucco e parrucco"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Senza patente"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "I bagni in oro"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Umorismo da ingegneri"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Lo scultore"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Poco raccomandabile"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "No prosciutto"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Un cliente insopportabile"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Passatempi e passioni"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Baci dal Vaticano"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Al verde al supermercato"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Fantasmi e verdura"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Yoga estremo"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La leggenda della Torre degli Asinelli"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La navetta"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Mi lasci stare!"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La pillola magica"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Le recensioni"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Le regioni d'Italia "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "La storia di Enza"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Una famiglia numerosa"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Pistole e pistacchi"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/10 for the episode "Cercasi"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Il mistero del vaso rotto"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "La mappa di Leonardo da Vinci"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Prendi questa mano"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Sciogli le trecce"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "In cerca di ispirazione "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Schiavi della festa"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Cane e pianista"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Un ricco materasso"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Segreti in cucina"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "I bagni in oro"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Il tesoro"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "E qui casca l'asino"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "No prosciutto"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Se avessi tempo..."
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Lo stipendio segreto"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "L'occhio del ciclope"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Un cliente insopportabile"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Lo scultore"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Le regioni d'Italia "
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Asino da strada"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Baci dal Vaticano"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Negroni"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Lo stipendio segreto"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Disorientamento assistito"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Senza patente"
  • 2/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Vacanze sulla neve"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Dolce Sicilia"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Il giardino delle delizie"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tale padre, tale figlio"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Farfalle nello stomaco"
  • 4/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Musica da cucina"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "La guerra dell'espresso"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Un biglietto, per favore!"
  • 5/5 left a rating on 2024/07/09 for the episode "Tipi Topi"

Saga Baldoria online Italian lessons have been rated 4.6 / 5 by 92414 users.