Verb tenses following concessives
Reminder: concessive clauses refer to an event that occurs despite what is said in the other clause and are introduced by various verb tenses.
Nonostante abbiamo già cenato, abbiamo ancora fame.
Although we already had dinner, we are still hungry.
Anche se fa caldo, vado a correre.
Even if it's hot, I go running.
Nonostante and malgrado (both meaning “despite” or “even though”) are generally followed by a subjunctive, but in the passive form they can also be followed by an indicative form, especially in the expression …ciò che… (…that which…).
Nonostante sia sera, i negozi sono aperti.
Although it is evening, the shops are open.
Nonostante/Malgrado ciò che viene spiegato, il discorso non è chiaro.
Despite what has been explained, the argument isn't clear.
Anche se (even if) is generally followed by the indicative, but it can be followed by an imperfect subjunctive when talking about a hypothesis, but not a concession.
Anche se viene con me, non potrà restare molto.
Even if he comes with me, he won't be able to stay long.
Anche se avessero tempo, non verrebbero in vacanza con noi.
Even if they had time, they wouldn't come on holiday with us.
Anche se (even if), sebbene (although), nonostante (in spite of) and malgrado (despite) can be followed by a conditional, but in such cases they're expressing a desire or a preference, not a concession.
Ciro porta in giro Betty, anche se/sebbene/nonostante non vorrebbe farlo.
Ciro takes Betty around, even though/although/despite the fact that he doesn't want to.
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