The verbs venire (to come) and tenere (to keep, to hold) in the past historic tense

Reminder: we use the past historic tense to talk about actions that started and ended in the distant past.

Nel 1946 le donne italiane votarono per la prima volta.

In 1946, Italian women voted for the first time.

The verbs venire (to come) and tenere (to keep, to hold), along with their derivatives, such as provenire (to originate), mantenere (to maintain), trattenere (to withhold, to block), etc., are irregular and are conjugated as follows:

Lucia venne interrogata in tribunale.

Lucia was questioned in court.

Tu tenesti il segreto per molto tempo.

You kept the secret for a long time.

Le urla provennero dalla casa abbandonata.

The screams came from the abandoned house.

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