The verbs apparire (to appear, to look), comparire (to appear, to be present) and scomparire (to disappear) in the present subjunctive

The verbs apparire (to appear, to look), comparire (to appear, to be present) and scomparire (to disappear), along with their derivatives, are irregular, meaning that they don't follow the same conjugation pattern as regular verbs ending in -ire. They are conjugated in a similar manner in the present subjunctive, though:

Io appaia
Tu appaia
Lui/lei appaia
Noi appariamo
Voi appariate
Loro appaiano
Io compaia
Tu compaia
Lui/lei compaia
Noi compariamo
Voi compariate
Loro compaiano
Io scompaia
Tu scompaia
Lui/lei scompaia
Noi scompariamo
Voi scompariate
Loro scompaiano

Betty vuole che l'hotel appaia meraviglioso.

Betty wants the hotel to look wonderful, literally, “Betty wants that the hotel looks wonderful”.

Penso che gli errori compaiano sullo schermo quando si carica il file.

I think the errors appear on the screen when the file is loading.

È strano che voi scompariate così!

It's strange that you disappear like this!

Note: we often add the subject pronoun in front of verbs in the subjunctive for emphasis or to distinguish the person “doing” verbs that have the same ending.

Crediamo che tu scompaia troppo spesso VS Crediamo che lui scompaia troppo spesso.

We think you disappear too often VS We think he disappears too often.

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