The verb dire (to say, to tell) in the past historic tense
Reminder: we use the past historic tense to talk about actions that began and ended in the past.
Presentasti il progetto la settimana scorsa.
You presented the project last week.
The verb dire (to say, to tell) is irregular and is conjugated as follows in the past historic:
Tu dicesti
Lui/lei disse
Noi dicemmo
Voi diceste
Loro dissero
Ti dissi di farlo.
I told you to do it.
Sabato scorso dicemmo di non andare al cinema.
Last Saturday we said not to go to the movies.
Note: all verbs stemming from dire are conjugated in the same way, including contraddire (to contradict), predire (to predict), disdire (to cancel), maledire (to curse), ridire (to repeat; to criticize) and ribadire (to reiterate, to reaffirm).
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