Reflexive verbs and pronouns
In the infinitive form, reflexive verbs end with the pronoun si (oneself): svegliarsi (to get up), lavarsi (to wash), pettinarsi (to brush one's hair), vestirsi (to get dressed).
Ad Anna non piace svegliarsi presto.
Anna doesn’t like to get up early (literally, “Anna doesn't like to get herself up early”).
Ciro deve lavarsi velocemente.
Ciro has to wash (himself) quickly.
They are conjugated with a reflexive pronoun that is usually placed in front of the verb when it has been conjugated:
Tu ti vesti
Lui/lei si veste
Noi ci vestiamo
Voi vi vestite
Loro si vestono
Mi addormento molto tardi.
I go to bed very late (literally, “I put myself to bed very late”).
Ciro non si lava i denti.
Ciro doesn’t brush his teeth (more literally, “Ciro doesn't brush his own teeth”).
Era arrabbiato con se/sé stesso (con sé).
Pensate solo a voi stessi.
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