
a wizard: a magician, a sorcerer (examples: Harry Potter, Merlin, Gandalf) noun
an (IT) wizard: an (IT) genius, ace, virtuoso noun
  • "In any case, I'd like to introduce you to someone I think you all know, who's also a wizard at dodgeball."
  • "There is a theory that drunken wizards are responsible for the deaths of some 5,000 pigeons across the United Kingdom in the last year."
  • "I used to be quite the pinball wizard back in Paris."
  • "Barry Trotter, the A-list celebrity wizard, was arrested for drunk driving or in this case drunk flying, this morning in central London."
  • "The police received an anonymous tip that the popular young wizard was flying under the influence, when a concerned citizen called to report a dead pigeon on the street."

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