(the north) wind: the current of air coming from (the north)
windy with a lot of wind
a wind instrument a musical instrument whose sound is produced by blowing
to wind: to turn, to twist, to wrap around
to wind a watch or a clock to make a watch or clock work by turning a key or handle
This is an irregular verb:
I wind / I wound / I have wound
(a) winding (road): (a) bending, curved, meandering, twisting (road)
Pronunciation examples
UK: The wind blows across the long and winding road.
US: The wind is making it difficult for me to wind this wool.
- "The contemporary dance company "Legz 11" will be performing their latest production, called "Wind in the Treez"."
- "Highs of 33 degrees, sunshine and no wind until Monday."
- "For the past two weeks, there have been constant thunderstorms here, and the winds have reached speeds of 200 miles per hour, which usually indicates that there's a tornado on its way."
- "I go wherever the wind blows me."
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