
via: through, passing through; by means of, using preposition
This is a flight to Dakar via Paris. The plane stops in Paris for one hour then continues to Dakar.
In order to save time, we will go to Marseille via the fast train. We will travel to Marseille by the quick train in order to save time.
to communicate via telephone to communicate using a telephone
  • "I've even seen you singing karaoke in the toilet via secret camera."
  • "The next train on platform 2 will be calling at all stations to Upminster via Barking."
  • "Somehow, I came up with the idea of sending the delivery via ferry to Calais before being placed on a cargo ship to Brazil - genius!"
  • "In spite of my blinding rage, my lifestyle guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "Susie, our users have written to us via email, Twitter, and in one case by pigeon all asking you business questions."
  • "I'm joined now live via satellite by the woman of the hour, Susan Bliss."
  • "In spite of my blinding rage and abiding contempt for you, my yoga guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "It lets me update my status via mobile phone or internet, so everyone knows what I'm up to."
  • "Rupert : The Dutch Navy has encircled the boat, and is communicating with the pirates via loudspeaker."
  • "Why do I need to know where my daughter is at all times via GPS software?"

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