
unpleasant: disagreeable, not very nice, not enjoyable adjective
My visit to the hospital was quite unpleasant. I really didn't enjoy it.
pleasant: nice, agreeable, enjoyable adjective
  • "It isn't just wine lovers who are left with an unpleasant taste in the mouth: environmentalists claim that the falling demand for cork is leading to large-scale deforestation."
  • "The phone call was unpleasant because I received it."
  • "On behalf of the entire flight crew, we would like to thank you once again for choosing English Airlines, and we wish you a pleasant stay in London, or wherever your travels may take you."
  • "It's a beautiful city, full of sights and sounds which are rich and pleasant, not unlike a perfume."
  • "This morning I received an unpleasant phone call from a dissatisfied customer."
  • "On a more personal note, we are sure you will find the San Francisco Bay Area to be a pleasant change from your last job in Nebraska."
  • "It's very pleasant."
  • "The phone call was not unpleasant because the customer was dissatisfied, nor because it interrupted a particularly amusing day dream about space travel that I was enjoying."
  • "To ensure that your stay is as pleasant as possible, please adhere to the following rules"
  • "I told Bruno it wouldn't hurt to have another public face for the company, especially one as "aesthetically pleasant" as his!"

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