
the United Kingdom (UK): England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a group noun
  • "The world awaits the launch of Mile High Airways, the brainchild of UK entrepreneur Sir Rufus Ruthless."
  • "BRONZE - Goldie The Golden Retriever (UK)"
  • "Tomatoes grown in Spain and transported to the UK have much less of an impact than the same tomatoes grown in greenhouses in the UK, which require electricity to light and heat them."
  • "Even in the UK, not many people get large state pensions any more."
  • "Britons buy slice of American pie: UK citizens investing more and more in the American housing market"
  • "Brian Jones (UK) won a silver medal in Flirting with the opposite sex ."
  • "That's in the United Kingdom, which today is no longer so united."
  • "They go back to the UK with suitcases full of jeans, designer shoes, CDs and Epods."
  • "They go back to the UK laden with jeans, designer shoes, CDs and Epods."

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