
Tuesday: the second day of the week, between Monday and Wednesday noun
  • "Tuesday, Wednesday, Funny Days."
  • "I just wanted to follow up on our conversation yesterday, and let you know that I'll be available for a telephone interview on Tuesday of next week."
  • "I look forward to telling you all about our new store on Tuesday."
  • "As you are no doubt aware, our email server crashed last Tuesday at exactly 2:40 PM. That was bad news."
  • "Anyway, on Tuesday there's "Money Madness" on DNN."
  • "I will be flying on Lucky Duck Air (flight number: LUK 7453), and arriving in Hong Kong Wednesday evening at 9.45pm. My reservations, at the Shangri-La Hotel, are from Wednesday until the following Tuesday."
  • "Tuesday : Guess who was spotted cavorting with visibly drunk sherpas on the top of Mount Everest?"
  • "Tuesday, Wednesday... Funny Days."
  • "How about if Jean speaks with a British accent on Tuesday and Thursday;"

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