
to bring something to someone's attention: to inform someone about something, to give information about something to someone, to make someone aware of something idiom
It has been brought to my attention that this year's ad campaign has not been very well received so far. It doesn't matter who told me, the important thing is that I'm aware of the situation.
  • "Also, I thought I should bring it to your attention that Horatio has already established his own nap time policy, apparently it has been in place for several decades, and he seems to be ultra-productive!"
  • "However, I was not sure if you share Mr. Cheeter's opinion on this matter, and so I thought I would bring this matter to your attention."
  • "Bruno : Icarus has brought it to my attention that we're paying a great deal of extra fees to your bank Sam, and I'm afraid most of it is going to your porcelain door handles and your Château Margaux."
  • "It's recently been brought to my attention that some of you here at Delavigne are exposing yourselves and therefore our network to unnecessary risk due to your irresponsible computer use."
  • "Dear Luna, Sadly, I must bring to your attention the poor performance of my secretary, Doris May PERIOD."
  • "Delavigne Corp, already considered a maverick in the cosmetics industry for its staunch refusal to use animals in the testing of its products, hopes to promote ecological awareness among customers as well as take advantage of a new wave of environmental consciousness brought to national attention by the recent bestseller "Global Warming: It's all your fault"."
  • "Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention – you did the right thing."

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