
to be set to (do something): to be ready to, to be prepared to (do something); to be on the point of (doing something) idiom
We're set to go. We're all ready, shall we leave?
I am set to sing this evening at a cabaret in the Marais. I've spent all week preparing my song and now I'm ready to perform it.
Delavigne is set to release several new cosmetic products. The new products are almost ready to be launched onto the market.
  • "A new retrospective for famed post-modernist painter Jackson Bollocks is set to begin at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art next Tuesday."
  • "The airline is set to revolutionise the low-cost airline industry, setting new standards in price, comfort, service and destination options."
  • "We're set to release a new line in less than a month."
  • "Despite gloomy financial forecasts for its competitors, the perfume giant is set to have one of their most successful Christmases ever with sales up 15% since this time last year."
  • "A couple of months later, Susan was set to marry none other than Jean Marron!"
  • "Delavigne set to release new eco-friendly line of perfumes"

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