
a theme: a subject, a topic, a central idea noun
a theme park an amusement park (for example, Disneyland)
  • "Luna : Yeah, I thought so too... and since he's a Virgo, I thought it would be nice to have a theme for the party."
  • "My themes will be wide-ranging, and I hope you'll find the topics interesting."
  • "I knew you had a good nose, but I had no idea you could smell plots, or themes: the essence of books."
  • "MacCheeter theme song plays"
  • "I can smell themes of isolation, companionship, a lot of symbolism, and, eh, oh!"
  • "Bruno : You were telling me about the theme of the campaign."
  • "Hannah : Well I've heard there are special "event organizers" that plan theme events in interesting locations, say for example a "Wild West" party on a ranch where everyone gets dressed up as cowboys."
  • "Anyway, this year's theme is "East meets West: The rise of the Dragon"."
  • "Each of these new perfumes, designed by master perfumer Horatio Oléré, will revolve around the central theme of floral habitats."

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