thanks to (something): because of, on account of, due to (something); with appreciation to, with gratitude to (something)
Thanks to my new earplugs, I can finally sleep well at night.
Thanks to Icarus and his contacts, the IRS will not be visiting Kevin this year.
- "It's all thanks to you, Glenn."
- "Thanks to you, we took first place in the tournament!"
- "We're already 2 days behind schedule, thanks to your little snake fiasco."
- "Icarus got very sunburnt and spent the evening in the hospital with minor facial burns, but overall, the picnic was a success, no thanks to the rest of you!"
- "I couldn't even take my glass of wine outside the bar to keep me company, thanks to most town centres now being "alcohol-free zones"."
- "But overall, the picnic was a success, no thanks to the rest of you!"
- "Everyone must choose their own path, but thanks to the fine education that this school has provided for us, we have a solid foundation on which to build."
- "The idea is that a man can create a sense of untouchable, unquestionable power around himself simply by wearing the perfect suit: colleagues fear him, bosses respect him and clients trust him. All this, thanks to his suit."
- "Thanks to a stroke of brilliance on my part, a shipment of Bruno's Brew is now on its way to our Sales Affiliate in Brazil."
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