Thank you for your time: Thanks for devoting time to me
Thank you for your time is a way of ending a letter or finishing a conversation. It means "thank you very much for your attention".
Thank you for your attention: I appreciate your time, attention
- "Thanks for your attention to these matters."
- "Thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting with you soon"
- "Sensei, thank you for your time."
- "Thank you all very much for your time and have a wonderful afternoon."
- "Thanks very much for your time, Sigourney."
- "Thank you for your time, Mr. Delavigne, and my most sincere apologies for what transpired earlier."
- "Edward : I understand. Thank you for your time."
- "I'll be in touch. Thanks for your time. Bye."
- "Thank you for your time. Brian : It was our pleasure."
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