thank you for calling: I appreciate your call, I'm happy that you phoned me
thank you for calling (Business Corp): we appreciate you telephoning (Business Corp)
- "Robot : Thank you for calling the Musical Store customer support hotline."
- "Polly : Hello, you have reached the offices of the Delavigne Corporation. Thank you for calling."
- "Trey : Thank you for calling Delavigne Customer Support."
- "Trey : Thank you for calling Delavigne customer service."
- "Techie (Rajard) : Good morning, thank you for calling Know-it-all Technical Solutions, this is Rajard Padmanabam, how may I best assist you?"
- "Trey : Thank you for calling Delavigne Customer Service."
- "Thank you for calling Big Bank, your call is not important to us."
- "Operator : Hello, you have reached the offices of the Delavigne Corporation. Thank you for calling."
- "Richard : Good morning, thank you for calling Know-it-all Tech Solutions, this is Richard Smart."
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