
I tend to (lose my keys): I'm inclined to, I have a tendency to, I am liable to (lose my keys); I am prone to (losing my keys) verb
(Could you) tend to (the children?): (Could you) take care of, look after, watch, attend to (the children?) verb
a tendency: a predisposition, an inclination, a habit noun
  • "Firings tend to undermine staff morale, and reflect poorly on the company when unjustified."
  • "Most people tend to avoid this subject at the office or in social situations."
  • ""Down with the Duke" are known for their anarchist tendencies, pulsating tambourine rhythms, and filthy lyrics."
  • "I tend to think that Jean should speak with a British accent, like the Queen or Winston Churchill..."
  • "They tend to favor deregulation of business and industry."
  • "Although French cuisine contains a lot of saturated fat, the French tend to have an extremely low rate of heart disease, much lower than the United States for example."

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