
the teeth: the hard bonelike structures in the jaw used for biting and chewing food noun
Note the singular: a tooth
to brush one's teeth: to clean, to wash one's teeth idiom
(a) toothy (smile): (a smile) which shows or reveals a person's teeth adjective

UK: Rabbits have very big front teeth.
US: You should brush your teeth three times a day.
  • "And this time, please brush your teeth before you go to bed."
  • "Weapon used: LARGE TEETH"
  • "Look at my teeth, they're white and clean!"
  • "Edward : Go and clean your teeth!"
  • "Bruno had been poisoned and his body mutilated in many ways - cigarette burns, bullet wounds, stab wounds, teeth marks, etc."
  • "Let me just brush my teeth."
  • "His crooked teeth!"
  • "Every Mile High stewardess is trained to wear miniskirts, brush her teeth, and apply fake tan."

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