to teach (someone how to cook): to give (someone cooking) classes, lessons
This is an irregular verb:
I teach / I taught / I have taught
It taught him a lesson!: It punished him! It showed him his mistakes!
Pronunciation examples
UK: I teach electric guitar for a living.
US: My father taught me all about perfumes.
- "Your teaching methods do leave a bit to be desired."
- "I was just teaching Edward some new Greco-Roman wrestling techniques."
- "You taught us to be cool."
- "Mrs. Brady has over 30 years' experience teaching English and has a TCFL (Teaching Cornish as a Foreign Language) diploma."
- "He taught me all I know about linear equations."
- "Edward : Yeah, I'm going to translate for you - he taught me his language."
- "Xavier taught me the perfume trade because he wanted me to take over his business, and carry on his legacy."
- "Princess Utopia : If you would like to stay with us, we are prepared to teach you the secrets of sensuality using only your bodies and an open mind."
- "I did not teach you this!"
- "Bruno : But I did everything just like you taught me, Papi!"
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