
(to be) suitable: (to be) appropriate, adequate adjective
to suit (somebody): to be appropriate, convenient for, to look good on (somebody) verb
That shirt really suits you.
  • "Good luck in piecing them together and ultimately choosing the most suitable candidate for the job (whatever it is)."
  • "Sorry about the mess in this meeting room. As I suggested in our telephone conversation last week, I'm going to need some convincing that your site is suitable to sell our products."
  • "I read your CV with interest, but I'm afraid to say we have no suitable vacancies at present."
  • "Donna : Well, I was wondering if any of the accessories would be suitable for women?"
  • "Items marked "VV" are vegan, and those marked "V" are suitable for vegetarians."
  • "I suggest that you either make this product suitable for vegetarians, or rename it "chicken and vegetable soup"."
  • "Should you have anything suitable, I would be very grateful to view it as soon as possible."
  • "A Beretta is more suitable for a child of that age."
  • "However, I will keep your resume on file and contact you if ever a suitable position becomes available."

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