suddenly: abruptly, without warning, very quickly, unexpectedly
sudden: abrupt, quick, unexpected
Pronunciation examples
UK: The town was destroyed in a sudden aerial attack.
US: Suddenly I realized I left my passport at home.
- "What began as the dream of two ambitious Italian youths in Tuscany ended suddenly and brutally in a Milan boardroom last week when it was announced that fashion house Dulce and Carpaccio had been taken over by Sylvio Mazerati."
- "That was sudden!"
- "No sudden movements, just turn around nice and slow!"
- "Don't make any sudden movements."
- "I was sitting innocently at my desk, daydreaming about my statue, when suddenly and inexplicably I fell out of my chair and onto the floor."
- "Suddenly a black minivan swerved into the parade route, sideswiped the float and caused Bruno to lose his balance and fall."
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