
a stripe: a line of a different color than its background (like on a sailor's pullover or the American flag) noun
How many stripes are on this tiger?
striped: lined with sections of a different color or texture adjective
Striped shirts are in fashion this year, I want a red and pink one.
  • "I can't decide what to wear: The purple shirt with green stripes, or the orange shirt with silver spots... My meeting with Philip Cheeter is in half an hour."
  • "Bruno : Don't worry sir, I'm sure we can work this out... Let's see... I think you should definitely wear the purple shirt with green stripes – it matches your ears."
  • "Moira : How many stripes on the American flag?"
  • "A simple tie (solid color or striped), preferably with a bit of red."
  • "Bob Carter : Well, they're black on one side, with a stripe on the other, there's a rubber antenna, and some blue thing..."
  • "What, with the stripes?"
  • "It's red with little green stripes."

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