
security: the safety, the protection, the measures being taken against crime; the people who take care of safety noun
  • "Subject: 1mpotant security 1nformat10n from PlasterCard"
  • "Security Department"
  • "From: PlasterCard Security Department"
  • "Now I can reply to that email from your security department."
  • "Any unattended luggage in the departure lounge will be removed by the security services and sold on Free-bay."
  • "Announcement : This is a security announcement."
  • "Is there much security in this job?"
  • "Accredited Home Security Technician."
  • "Curiously, the security didn't check them. I would love to share these special foods, wines and odors with you."
  • "We will have a discussion on the subject of Delavigne's position on security concerns at a future date, as yet unspecified."

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