
a season: a period of the year (for example, spring, summer, autumn, winter); a period of time, a stage noun
  • "Arsenal has had a lot of trouble with animals this season."
  • "Icarus : Well, I wanted to get a pair of gloves for my mother, her hands get very cold during the winter season..."
  • "Let's go straight to our European correspondent, Rupert Kensington, who's going to talk us through the upcoming rugby season."
  • "Until then, let's get back to the spirit of the season: getting drunk as skunks, stuffing our faces with food, and of course, putting up with our family!"
  • "Susie : Look, I'll be straight with you, Mr. McDoody: Delavigne's on an extremely tight schedule for the next season."
  • "Steffi : The buying commission has actually made a decision on our order for this season."
  • "During the holiday shopping season, you can't escape it."

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