
Saturday: the day of the weekend between Friday and Sunday noun
  • "I've got two tickets to see Swan Lake performed by the San Francisco Ballet at the War Memorial Opera House this Saturday evening."
  • "Gospel practice on Saturday, concert on Sunday"
  • "Saturday July 3rd, 8PM"
  • "I'm free every evening after 7:00 pm, and all day Saturday and Sunday."
  • "I am arriving from Paris on Wednesday afternoon, and I'll be in town until Saturday."
  • "Bruno : Well, anyway I'd like to make a couple of reservations for Harry Potter The Musical, next Saturday."
  • "And he's invited me to attend a dinner party at his house this Saturday night."
  • "Be careful what you wish for though, because this weekend will be humid, with 82% humidity Saturday and Sunday mornings, though it should clear up in the afternoon."

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