
to realise (UK), to realize (US): to recognize, to understand, to notice verb
When I heard a noise, I realised I wasn't alone.
  • "Founder and CEO Harold Percy Warbuckle is the driving force behind these changes, and realizes that in today's world, governments don't effect change, billionaires do."
  • "Janine : Brent, you have to realize that quitting your job and being fired from your job are two very different things."
  • "Retailers are starting to realize that it is better to sell low than not sell at all."
  • "A lot of people don't realize that an efficient workplace requires positive energy."
  • "That was weird, I didn't realize that people could actually call you on one of these things."
  • "Your performance on memory tests has impressed me from afar, and truly, when you checked the box marked "No need to review", it was then that I realized I could no longer keep my deep admiration for you a secret."
  • "When we crossed paths in the corridor last month, I felt something deep in my bosom. At first I thought it was destiny, but now I realize it was your hand touching me inappropriately."
  • "Icarus : You see, another Stickypedia user has seen our edit and quickly realized that a photo of me was inappropriate."
  • "You do realize that the trip takes..."
  • "During my travels, however, I realized something: Although I'm an awesome person, my place is here, at the Delavigne Corporation."

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