professional: trained, skilled, opposite of amateur; vocational, work-related
Michael Jordan is a professional sportsman.
I need some professional advice. My friends can't help me with this problem.
a professional an expert
professionally: done by a professional; well done, done expertly
As a formula to end a letter, professionally is rarely used. "Sincerely", "Cordially", "Regards" are more common choices for a professional letter.
unprofessional (behavior): (behavior which is) unsuitable or inappropriate for work or business
- "Reporter : Would you consider being studied by professionals?"
- ""Rebecca" is a socioeconomic group: she is a professional woman between 30 and 45."
- "Hopefully, you'll find some much-needed perspective on the direction you've taken professionally."
- "We're trying to rebrand Outback Cologne as a scent that also appeals to urban individuals, university students, young professionals, people who frequent bars and cafés and single men on the dating scene."
- "I have ten years' experience in the customer service field, as well as management experience in a local telemarketing firm. The challenging environments in which I've worked have taught me to think on my feet, communicate clearly and always remain polite and professional while dealing with callers."
- "I'd like to see what your professional life is like."
- "The Delavigne Corporation, a worldwide leader in cosmetics, seeks an experienced, qualified professional to manage the new customer service department in San Francisco."
- "Handle each complaint in a courteous and professional manner and to the client's satisfaction."
- "Brazilian 1 Minute massage: Providing busy professionals with all the benefits of a full body massage in a fraction of the time!"
- "I've developed a deep understanding of human reactions, which makes me the ideal candidate to interact with customers in a professional, calm and composed fashion."
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