
private: confidential; personal, of one's own; covert, clandestine adjective
Bruno owns two private jets. They belong to him and nobody else.
a private school a school which does not receive financial support from the government
private lessons lessons for only one person (not a group)
a private (in the military): a soldier (in the military) noun
  • "Bruno : (to Susie) Susie, welcome aboard my private helicopter, my love."
  • "Not only are private plane flights expensive and wasteful, but Horatio is terrified of machines, with the exception of his juicer."
  • "So does everyone at Delavigne have a private pension plan?"
  • "You'd like my private minitel number?"
  • "Subject: Re: A very private matter"
  • "Subject: A very private matter"
  • "I have impulsively decided to cancel the private plane flight with Horatio planned for this month."
  • "Private car mileage @56c/mile"
  • "Don't forget the winner of the contest will spend a weekend with me on my private jet (also a contractual obligation)."

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