
(-Will it snow tomorrow?) -It's possible!: (-Will it snow tomorrow?) -It could do! -That's conceivable! -It might snow! idiom
  • "Framboise : It is not possible!"
  • "This replaces my previous endeavor of sleeping with as many people as possible."
  • "the sky's the limit - anything is possible"
  • "Just a quick reminder that we will be meeting at 8:30 sharp tomorrow (Tuesday) morning to discuss possible names for a new Delavigne skin cream to be released at the end of the year."
  • "Although I prefer to avoid British food, if that's possible."
  • "- To discuss any possible promotions / dismissals / transfers"
  • "Our mission is to track a wild dolphin and determine if communication is possible outside the aquarium. Admiral Jones, take us down!"
  • "Robot : Murder, torture and genocide should be avoided if possible."
  • "Bruno : But how is that possible?"
  • "It's just that I never thought it was possible to love a woman."

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