a pint: a British imperial capacity measure
1 pint = 56 cl
a half (pint): 1/2 (of a pint) (of beer, cider etc.)
1/2 pint = 28 cl
- "Cabbie : I tell you what, let's just have a couple of good old fashioned pints, shall we?"
- "Barman : Pint, half a pint or a jug?"
- "Hannah : So, are you ready to order your first pint, Bruno?"
- "Maybe a pint?"
- "Moira : Reginald attributed his good health to his diet: a pint of beer every day for breakfast, fish and chips for supper and a glass of whisky before bedtime."
- "I'll have a pint of mild in a half-pint glass."
- "A pint of beer."
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