
a pig: an animal (usually pink) which is often killed for bacon, pork, and ham noun
(You capitalist) pig!: (You) dirty, shameless, despicable (capitalist)! idiom
  • "The Swine Flu...te quartet, a group of pig musicians, will play Carnegie Hall next Tuesday, don't miss it!"
  • "My doctor has diagnosed me with high blood pressure, I've been sweating like a pig and I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks!"
  • "Just to recap on our top story, an airport sniffer pig succeeded in sniffing out a stolen package of priceless truffles yesterday morning."
  • "Bruno : Ok, I guess I could have a frog maybe... maybe a pig snout if you have one?"
  • ""Babe" (offensive to women, babies, and fictional pigs)"
  • "He overthrew the capitalist, imperialist, fascist, consumerist pigs."
  • "Susie : Stop calling me "babe", you pig!"
  • "Actually, to be more specific, he spit on my shoe and called me a bourgeois pig."
  • "Big, happy, fat, disgusting, sexy pigs!"
  • "He overthrew the capitalist, imperialist, fascist, consumerist pigs!"

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