
once: one time, on one occasion; when, after; at one time in the past conjunction
Once I saw the projected sales figures for next quarter, I knew it was going to be a good year. It was at that moment that I understood!
(to do something) once: (to do something) one time, on one occasion adverb
I've only been there once. I went there one time in January last year.
If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times. I always have to tell you several times!
once: before, previously, formerly, at one time in the past adverb

UK: Once I saw the projected sales figures my mind was at ease.
US: I have only been to Senegal once in my life, but it was the greatest trip ever.
  • "Stink barks once"
  • "Once you get used to the smell, it gets easier."
  • "Bark once for "yes" and twice for "no"."
  • "My father once said, a dying British man will shoot you while you're trying to rob an airport."
  • "You're the only link I have to the world I once knew."
  • "Once you've fixed the engine, and fixed the hole in the hull."
  • "On an island where we once flew"

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