
on behalf of (my mother): on the part of, speaking for (my mother) idiom
I'm calling on behalf of Bruno Delavigne.

UK: Hello, I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Morrissey.
US: On behalf of the team, I'd like to thank you for listening.
  • "Trey : First Miss, allow me to apologize on behalf of the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Polly Watson : Good afternoon, this is Polly Watson, calling on behalf of Bruno Delavigne."
  • "On behalf of both the Sales and HR teams in San Francisco, we would like to formally welcome you to the Delavigne Corporation and specifically to the sales department!"
  • "On behalf of the Delavigne Staff, I'd like to thank Gymglish's users for making the last Friday of every month so damn funky."
  • "Since you're in charge of personnel, I want to ask you to approach the accounts department on my behalf."
  • "I'm writing on behalf of my son, Icarus Archibald Quincy, CFO of your company."
  • "On behalf of the Delavigne Corporation I'm delighted to reward you with a substantial bonus and a magnum of Bordello Breeze perfume."
  • "On behalf of the entire flight crew, we would like to thank you once again for choosing English Airlines, and we wish you a pleasant stay in London, or wherever your travels may take you."
  • "Edward Moon, on behalf of the Delavigne family"
  • "Since I know you two are wine fans, I thought you'd like to go on my behalf."

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