
negative: pessimistic, cynical; minus, below zero adjective
  • "Susie : Now, as I mentioned in my email, we've received a lot of negative feedback about our latest campaign: for the Delavigne Classic Collection."
  • "It says that stress doesn't have to be a negative thing: that it can actually do you some good!"
  • "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a high-stress job, must be suffering negative health consequences."
  • "Could you please tell Rupert to stop being so negative?"
  • "Ms. Benedict, most reports say that the economy is slowing down, and that this will have a negative effect on consumer spending."
  • "Most reports say that the economy is slowing down, and that this will have a negative effect on consumer spending."
  • "I don't want to have any negative impact on the party, so please, pretend like I'm not here and "party hard"."
  • "Space Base Alpha : Negative."
  • "American labor unions also suffer from a negative image of corruption dating back to the 1930s."
  • "It had a marvelous kind of negative capability."

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