
minor: small, not important, not serious adjective
a minor: a child, a person below the age of 18 noun
Note: don't confuse minor with miner (someone who works in a mine).
  • "Serving alcohol to minors is illegal."
  • "Icarus got very sunburnt and spent the evening in the hospital with minor facial burns, but overall, the picnic was a success, no thanks to the rest of you!"
  • "Minor victory: I've persuaded Horatio to wear rubber gloves after using the toilet."
  • "From giant purple egg was born mother country of Kalackistan, then other minor countries like USA, and Belarus and Zimbabwe."
  • "Edward : I'm not a minor, I'm 18 years old!"
  • "With just a few minor tweaks and several hundred billable hours, we are fairly certain that the Delavigne Corporation can restore its reputation at least for a few months - that's the Slick Brand Solutions guarantee*."
  • "Icarus also got very sunburnt and spent the evening in the hospital with minor facial burns."
  • "You dealt with minor setbacks like Luna DeLune's absurd claim that her LunaBot "had bad energy" (we checked the voltage, she was fine)."
  • "Simon Pinklespit, a minor investor, got the others very excited - he spoke for nearly an hour about on-site efficiency reviews."
  • "Stores will stop selling assault rifles and handguns to minors."

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