
I'll meet with (the President tomorrow): I'll have a meeting, a moment, a talk with (the President tomorrow) idiom
to meet (somebody): to encounter (somebody); to see and speak to (somebody) for the first time verb
  • "Lucie : It's a good thing too, I have no choice but to meet with you and take the tour..."
  • "I would like you to meet with a contact of mine - French music producer Guy DuPuy."
  • "For this reason, he cannot meet with you on this day."
  • "He cannot meet with you after lunch, nor can he meet with you before lunch."
  • "If you deem my application worth considering, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you or Mr. Delavigne personally at your earliest convenience."
  • "In fact, he cannot meet with you during lunch either, so don't bother asking him. Fortunately, however, Bruno does have fifteen minutes free on Friday the 11th of next month."
  • "Lucie : It's a good thing too, I have no choice but to meet with you and take the tour"
  • "Philip will be traveling to smoggy, silicone-filled Los Angeles on Thursday morning to meet with buyers from 'Smells R Us', a chain of local perfume stores based in Southern California, as well as carriers of fine Delavigne products."
  • "Secondly, I have met with all of our major clients to let them know about Bruno's leave of absence."

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