
a marriage: a union, a coupling, a matrimony noun
In English, "a marriage" refers to the union between two people. The term "wedding" refers to the ceremony itself.

UK: Lots of men are afraid of the word "marriage".
US: I'm not, marriage, marriage, marriage, marriage, marriage.
  • "Any kids from previous marriages or anything?"
  • "Are Ms BümBüm and Mr Delavigne considering marriage any time soon?"
  • "The unholy marriage of plastic, metal and computer chips can never replace the pleasure of holding a book in one's hands."
  • "Chapter 9: 1st, 2nd and 5th secret marriages"
  • "At our spacious and tranquil retreat, you will find a solution for all your earthly problems. Whether you have a serious alcohol or drug addiction, a troubled marriage, or are just severely disappointed in your gay children, we have a program for you!"
  • "The Supertrowel: it saved my marriage – it can save yours!"
  • "invite you to share in the joy of the marriage"
  • "An invitation to the Marron-Bliss Marriage"
  • "Philip : I am indeed lucky to have met a woman who shares my love of feminist literature, my strict vegetarian diet and above all, who shares my belief in a monogamous marriage built on celibacy."

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