
a manner: a way, a method, a mode noun
to have good manners: to behave politefully and respectfully, to have good habits of behavior idiom
in this manner: in this way idiom
in a manner of speaking this is partly true, in a certain way
  • "Handle each complaint in a courteous and professional manner and to the client's satisfaction."
  • "I will be moderating the debate in a crazy, yet neutral manner."
  • "Did your mother not teach you any manners?"
  • "Genteel manners, impeccable grooming, a slightly flamboyant dress sense, a love of theatre - all the hallmarks of an English gentleman - are frowned upon in a post-Brexit Europe."
  • "Please forgive me for contacting you in this manner."
  • "I look forward to hearing from you, and hope that we can resolve this issue in a civilized manner."
  • "Even though you were right to voice your concerns about Doris May's recent dip in performance, I cannot condone the manner in which you did it."

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