
to lie (down): to move into a horizontal position, for example in bed or on the floor verb
I was lying on the grass. I was so relaxed I really didn't want to stand up.
Do not confuse with the verb to lay (something down), which means "put, place" (something):
I lie down on the floor.
I lay this book on the table.
Note the past tense and past perfect tense of these two verbs:
* to lie / I lay / I have lain
* to lay / I laid / I have laid
Another possible confusion: to lie (irregular verb, lie/lied/lied): to not tell the truth.
to lie prostrate: to lie with the face down and arms stretched out idiom
to lie face down: to lie with your face against the floor, bed, etc. idiom
  • "The ones with the naked girls lying on bottles of perfume."
  • "Then we turned and shook as we had a look in the room where the dead men lay"
  • "Bruno Delavigne was found lying dead by his desk in a pool of blood."
  • "Preparation: Please be naked, lying face down on your desk when I arrive."
  • "You're not just going to leave that lyin' here, are you?"
  • "Philip : I'd say you were lying."
  • "Ask subject to sit or lie comfortably."
  • "A lying idiot!"
  • "When he awoke, Bruno was lying in a hospital bed."

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