in less than (2 weeks): in a time shorter than (2 weeks), in under (two weeks)
(I have) less than (two dollars on me): (I have) a smaller amount than, not as much as (two dollars on me)
- "This happened three times (yes, three!) in less than thirty seconds."
- "After he displaced all of its contents, he was able to locate the required oil in less than a minute."
- "We're set to release a new line in less than a month."
- "Those that do survive do so on under a dollar a day, which is less than I make in a second."
- "I was able to bandage the wound myself in less than five minutes, and this is the reason for my lateness, and again I apologize."
- "If I don't have a new order in less than 3 weeks, it could start a revolution!"
- "I've done a quick calculation of the replacement parts necessary, and the cost would be significantly less than the purchase of a new bicycle, especially since I know of a place where I can get parts second-hand."
- "Philip : I doubt it, Edward, unless you know how to transport 30,000 units of perfume from Southampton, England, to Brazil in less than three weeks?"
- "Brian : Well I paid $500 each for them. I can't sell for less than $300 each."
- "Hogwash : I couldn't possibly finish the book in less than six months."
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