
a king: a male ruler of a kingdom, a sovereign, a regent noun
Tarzan is the king of the jungle.
a queen: a female ruler of a kingdom, a sovereign, a regent noun
  • "The Queen?"
  • "Bruno : I felt like the king of the world while Betty's banquet continued."
  • "All Queen albums are also half price."
  • "The people of Cheeterland are eagerly awaiting King Cheeter's new laws."
  • "Not THE queen, she's very busy, but the rock group Queen."
  • "He's the Karaoke king!"
  • "This speech is a tradition that was started by my father, K-k-k-k- King George."
  • "Before we begin, let us observe a brief moment of silence in the honour of her majesty the queen of England."
  • "Edward Marley : My name is Edward... Edward "Marley" Moon, and I've been sent here by Queen."

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