
to install: to set up, to place, to establish, to fix, to put in verb
an installation: a putting in place, a setting up noun
  • "Best time for installation engineer to visit: MORNINGS"
  • "Be sure to close all other applications before performing installation."
  • "- Never deactivate the firewall we have installed for you, even if it prevents you from accessing certain websites (which are, as it happens, not appropriate for the workplace)."
  • "I'd like you to install the necessary software for a Delavigne debutante (FireSox, Thunderpants, Microtosh Office etc.)."
  • "At the end of the installation, restart computer."
  • "You weren't there, so I logged on to your machine and installed it for you: password "Icarus" is not a good password, Icarus!"
  • "I'm installing a firewall."
  • "Let me ask you a few questions, and then we'll fix a date for the installation."
  • "Standard Microtosh Office software has been installed and we have set up your email account."
  • "One of those ecological green walls has been installed which covers the entire front of the building."

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