
important: serious, significant, authoritative, not trivial adjective
Harold Warbuckle is a very important client.
importantly: significantly, seriously, notably adverb
  • "Right now, I am standing outside the hottest party in Hollywood, home of the most important people on Earth: celebrities."
  • "I was on the phone with a very important client, about to close a six-figure deal when Stink attacked my leg."
  • "Krazy Gidyeon : Yes, it's very important."
  • "Horatio : But more importantly, I am a travel agent and tour guide."
  • "Don't you know how busy and important I am?"
  • "More importantly, this month we are conducting our business operations in song, so please make sure to sing in tune!"
  • "I guess they're not important when all you care about is perfume!"
  • "They have been featured in cinema, literature, video games and many important works of art such as Munch's "The Scream" and the Mona Lisa."
  • "I have some important news."
  • "I have some very important news about the criminal cases against you, Mr. Capone."

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